Friday 16 January 2015

Starting Over!

Hey Guys!

So as of 17/01/15 I have deleted all 21 of my previous posts and have decided to start over. I found the posts were poorly written and I have not put much effort into it which has brought me to the decision to start over.

I was posting frequently at first but slowly I started hardly posting and eventually stopped posting anything at all. I will try to post more often but I can't make any promises as I will be busy with school, exams and doing things other than Club Penguin in the real world.

That's all for now but if you want faster updates then follow me on Twitter @abdj634 and if you find videos easier for news than subscribe to my Youtube channel 'Abdj634cp'  where you can find updates on my weekly news program 'The Abdj634cp Report.'

Stay tuned for more updates!

~ Abdj634 (DJ)